API Contracts

I manage the API contracts that drive your digital supply chain, factory floor, and distribution channels, helping you achieve your business goals with greater velocity and consistency--API contracts are the human and machine readable artifacts that shape the business and technology of your enterprise operations in a digital age.

  • Internal APIs
  • 3rd-Party Cloud APIs
  • 3rd-Party On-Premise APIs
  • Source Control
  • Pipelines
  • Gateways
  • Portals
  • Repositories
  • Desktop Applications
  • Web Applications
  • Mobile Applications
  • Artificial Intelligence

There are numerous perspectives that you should be considering when it comes to optimizing API operations--you can use the following select boxes to adjust your API contract to match your perspective of why APIs matter, and how API contracts can help guide and govern what matters most to you and your business today.


Contract Policies

These are all of the common policies we focus on API Contracts, reflecting the baseline seen across leading public API producers across most business sectors--which you can filter based upon your perspective above. These policies are intended to govern API operations in a consistent and repeatable way from both the business and technical aspects of operations.

The GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket repository for an API, providing the single source of truth for the API contract, OpenAPI, and other artifacts, as well as the road map, change log, support, feedback, and other elements of a repository.
Unique identifier, name, description, tags, and other metadata for the contract that defines the purpose of the API Contract, and how it benefits API producer and consumers, establishing the base of the agreement.
Use Cases
The who, what, how, and why of producing an API, making sure all of the known use cases are accurately described and kept up to date, then used to ensure each API is delivering what is expected with each use case.
The human-readable HTML, Markdown, or PDF representation of the technical surface area of each API, providing path, methods, summaries, description, examples, and the other resources consumers will need.
A machine-readable OpenAPI using the most recent version of the API specification, describing the surface area of each API, which is then used to render the human-readable documentation, and other supporting elements.
Getting Started
The step by step walk-through for new API consumers, ensuring they have exactly what is needed to discover and onboard, but also help make sure the getting started steps are as simple, plain language, and easy to follow.
Providing a way to login and gain access to an API, offering a simple human-readable URL to the login page, or ideally some sort of automated login process that allows access with as few clicks and steps as possible.
Plans are all about being explicit and transparent with all of the access for an API, breaking down the tiers, rate limits, features, and pricing that is available for API consumers, standardizing the business of APIs.
Distilling down the authentication required for an API, outlining API keys required, JWT, OAuth, and other authentication types, providing details on how to obtain accounts, tokens, and anything needed for accessing APIs.
Providing semantic or date-based versioning for an API, offering an overview of what is adopted for an API and why, letting consumers know that their is change management in place and how they can tune into communication.
Road Map
Providing a simple yet informative look at what features are being planned for future releases of an API, or even sharing that nothing is currently being planned--just providing any insight on what the future will hold.
Change Log
Having a change log of anything added, updated, or removed for an API, but also for the other operational and supporting resources for each API, ensuring there is a easy to read manifest of what has happened for an API.
Offering software development kits, or SDKs for an API, handling authentication, and working across all available API operations in a variety of relevant programming languages to the targeted consumers of an API.
Making an API status page, monitoring reports, or other real-time updates regarding the uptime and availability of an API, providing current, but also the historical status of API, helping maintain trust with API consumers.
Publishing details regarding the performance of APIs, complimenting status and uptime information, but drilling into more detail regarding speed, latency, and other performance related metrics that matter to API consumers.
Providing an overview of security practices for an API, including details covered as part of authentication and access management, but also security testing and certifications that matter to API consumers.
Outline what support is available for API consumers, including email, tickets, forums, and paid support services, making it easy for API consumers to understand how they can get the help they need across APIs.
Providing feedback on the business and technical details of each API contract, helping facilitate feedback from consumers and other stakeholders, but also from the learnings across other private and public API contracts in use.
Terms of Service
Making sure that terms of service are front and center for API consumers, ensuring that the legal side of using API resources and capabilities in applications and integrations by 3rd party consumers is covered.
Privacy Policy
Publishing a privacy policy covering the producer and consumers of an API, as well as end-users of applications, adding to the legal resources that are available to 3rd party developers when putting APIs to work.
Publishing a license for the interface, client code, server code, and data to ensure consumers understand the legal implications of using the API, code, and data into their own applications and integrations.
Providing the machine-readable policies that link machine-readable rules with the business reasons why we are governing an API and the operations around it, helping organize rules based upon the business reasoning behind them.
Providing the machine-readable rules used to govern an API that can be used as part of pipelines or other automation to lint an API, making sure the baseline for each API and the operations around it are available as part of the contract.

Contract Support

Each API Evangelist Contract comes with a base of support services by default, helping provide a platform for each API contract to exist, while making sure questions are answered, feedback is gathered, and guidance is available for teams who are producing APIs.

Source of Truth
Establishing a single GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket repository to manage the contract, providing a single source of truth when it comes to the API contract, as well as all of its properties supporting the evolution of the API at the center.
Empowering teams to ask questions via issue or discussion via Git repository, or directly via email about the API lifecycle, governance, as well as the business or technical elements of producing an API for wider consumption.
Providing feedback on the business and technical details of each API contract, helping facilitate feedback from consumers and other stakeholders, but also from the learnings across other private and public API contracts in use.
Ensuring there is guidance for teams throughout their API journey, providing simple text and video guidance for all of the topics business and engineering teams will encounter as part of their regular work to produce consistent APis.
Helping curate the provenance of each API contract as it evolves over time, documenting change, and cataloging the reviews, validation, certification, and conversation that occurs as each API moves forward and matures over time.

Contract support services can be augmented and enhanced with strategy services, but should provide the baseline support that most teams producing APIs will need within the enterprise. API contract support services will ensure that teams don't lose their way during their API journey, and are able to move forward confidently with work producing APIs.

Contract Services

Each API contract provides access to a suite of tactical services that will help establish and evolve API contracts, keeping teams who are producing APIs moving forward and keeping the proper amount of attention on the business and technical details of an API contract. Contract services are designed to help keep API producers moving at just the right speed to stay aligned with business goals, but also the expectations that are set with consumers.

Mapping the landscape of APIs, defining one or many contracts that already exist, helping to better understand the scope of existing API operations, and organize based upon the bounded context that matters most to leadership.
The creation of APIs.json business, OpenAPI technical, and other properties of a contract that are machine-readable, helping lay the groundwork for your API contracts, then helping guide you in refining and evolving them over time.
Providing reviews of API contracts to identify existing patterns in use across API operations, then also providing feedback on anti-patterns, as well as additional patterns that could be applied to help improve API operations.
Certification of the properties of a contract, ensuring that they exist and are up to standards, and that individual API operations are accessible and are aligned with business use cases and are acceptable with contract schema.
Provide mediation services when there are disagreements between owners and stakeholders producing APIs, as well as between producers and consumers over the business or technical details of an API, helping establish alignment.
Weekly nudges on an agreed upon day regarding any questions, feedback, and changes being proposed by both API producer or consumer, helping keep the API lifecycle moving forward and maintain agreed upon levels of activity.

These services are designed to implemented tactically by a single team, line of business, or API, as well as be aligned with wider API strategy services that help provide the scaffolding for an API governance program, a common and agreed upon API lifecycle, as well as the other standardized building blocks of enterprise API operations. Services can be scaled to meet the needs across many different teams or lines of business.

Initiate Contract

As an API producer we welcome you to initiate a contract for your APIs. If you are unsure of where to start, begin with a single contract and we can advise you from there. If you have question, go ahead an initiate, and we can answer your questions as we progress.

This form will send an email directly to Kin Lane, with all of the information you've provided, and you should hear back within a day about how we can help you manage your API contract(s) across your public and private APIs.

APIs are powering your business today, and we want to make sure you have the contracts in place that keep your business moving into the future.